Why Is Drug Addiction Considered a Disease?

Question by fraucarlson: Why is considered a disease?
I have a psychological disorder I was born with and inherited. I have a hard time equating what I have as similar to a drug addiction. I didn’t choose my path. So can someone explain to me why it’s considered a disease?

Best answer:

Answer by KIM!!
I guess because addictions are mental disorders. When someone is addicted.to something they really cannot stop. Stopping means they suffer. It hurts them physically to be without their drug. Because their brain has been convinced that they NEED this drug, alcohol, or food to survive. But I certainly understand why you would be frustrated when you have a disease that you were born with.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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15 Responses to Why Is Drug Addiction Considered a Disease?

  • Dooom says:

    Because it adversely affects a person Whether the outcomes be good or bad, addictions aren’t good to have other than natural human ones such as eating and having sex.

    Drug addictions can range from illegal drugs to prescription pills to even foods. Sugar is naturally addicting and many people are addicted to candy soda and gum yet they do not even know it.

  • BRUCE LEE says:

    A 38 year stuy was just completed on smoking addiction and the effects? on the brain.

    People still smoking in the 50’s to 60’s are over 100% sure of getting Dementia and or alzheimer’s disease.

    I’m not going to do any smoking because I worked in a Hospital facility with brain damaged people and trust me you don’t want to go down that road.

    Google this study that began following people since the 1970’s to see what happend to them :0(

  • imfeliz202 says:

    You are not a lost cause. Believe? in yourself and you can move forward, slowly but surely, step by step. Give up and you will cause yourself to be stuck. Changing your doubt to disbelief can serve you well over time.
    I wish you the best, much hope.

  • Ashten Mott says:

    If you need help with a loved one or yourself, we have a newly made website. This website will? include the following:
    *Information about drugs
    *Truth about drugs
    *What to do
    *Stories about people who overcame drug/alcohol addiction

    Substancetruth (dot) c0m

  • budman204 says:

    i’m a drug addict as well as pills? eney form of pain kiler or musil relaxer i have givin thought to geting cleen but i alredy know i am almost a lost cause

  • cutely15 says:

    Thank you so much? for uploading this!!

  • Jasran2010 says:

    totally agree! Info is very vague and minimum. thanks for adding the rest?

  • xTRUExHATEx says:

    Okay, by the time someone has? rotted teeth, hair loss(?) or jaundice, you would have to be an idiot to have to rely on their appearance to know they are addicted.

  • Brett Dalton says:

    wow… same symtoms of many types of cancer?

  • ilovestuff23 says:

    i’m a drug addict and an alchoholic i’m drunk now and this is a wake up call i don’t think it’ll help but it’s a? start i’m getting an intervwention soon but fuck like wtf i’m 16 and i’ve done to much this sucks but this video is awsome

  • ennui406 says:

    I recognized my? addiction, the problem was, I didn’t fucking care. 2 yrs clean last month now. 12 step program worked for me.

  • Angelina Saunderson says:

    i can relate 2? that

  • cadavison says:

    I think you should also mention:
    -sores? and scabs, especially on the face and arms (from uppers)
    -teeth from smoking (not just from insufflating)
    -blown blood vessels in face from alcoholism
    -bruises, track marks, collapsed veins
    -bloodshot eyes (pot)
    -excessive drowsiness (cocaine with drawl)
    -heroine sickness (from withdrawal)
    -burns on hands, swollen lips (from hot pipes)

    You get D on this video. You need to do some research and present a comprehensive list. Perhaps drug specific?

  • forestskog says:

    Great vids but can you make them LONGER please? One minute vids are just too short? to really get into something. Thanks!

  • forestskog says:

    I usually only drink at parties on occasion. After 2 years in Iraq went 2 Thailand and literally got drunk morning to night every day for 3 months. I have no history of hair loss in family. I suddenly noticed hairs dropping off on bed, on my laptop while typing.? I never went bald anywhere but THAT scared me enough that I stopped co turkey n drank massive amounts of water + about 40% fresh vegetables to my diet. About 6 weeks later I felt great + all hair loss stopped.

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